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CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Anavi Janvi School & Navneet Foundation – Expanding Oppurtunities

The year 2020, started with a good note with many Activities happening during this period of time.
Navneet Foundation is a not-for-profit organization which has ambitious goals of working towards an impartial, humanitarian, and sustainable society in India.

Their ethos of supporting ideas, sharing solutions, and expanding opportunities closely matches how Anavi works.

By End Dec 2020 when the first wave of Covid 19 was in the decline we were faced with a Unique challenge of how to expand our base in the field of education.

CategoriesKolkata Chapter

Durga Puja Celebrations with a difference

Celebrations and festivals around the country are being celebrated albeit in a conservative manner.
For the underprivileged, there is nothing much to be happy about. Anavi has tried to do its bit to bring home some cheer to these families.
Like very year, we distributed clothes to the children of Topsia Creche. Additionally this year, we also distributed food items to them. The students coming to Topsia creche are children of laborers and daily wage earners whose earnings and lives have been badly affected by the pandemic.
Packets consisting of soya chunks, chana, sattu and biscuits along with new clothes were distributed among all the students.
This small contribution on our part has gone a long way in helping these needy people in the times of such crises. That they were happy would be an understatement. The smiles on the faces of the little children made our day!
Due to the norms of social distancing and safety protocols, only a few of the members made the visit and best practices followed to ensure hygiene. Visits are being limited and most of our contributions are done in contactless way even at other institutes.

Wishing everyone a safe festive season.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Janvi Charitable Trust

Online line classes began and for those who could not afford to arrange for online classes, after school programs were put in place where in parents who feel comfortable sending the children to attend the after school program were provided study assistance and also were engaged with other activities like art and craft sessions too. […]

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Home for the Aged (Run by The Little Sisters of the poor)

During the lockdown, in August we arranged to supply coffee powder, face mask, sanitizers & sanitizer stands.
We are looking forward to visiting them all but until then we are praying for each other and trusting God to clear the virus.

Construction Work
Wrinkle, Wrinkle, aged stars
We are so happy, you all came so far
U look like innocent children when you build up loving ties
You are simply adorable, our cutie pies
Wrinkle, Wrinkle, aged star
We are so happy, we came along with you so far.

CategoriesKolkata Chapter

Anavi – Through the testing times!

As we navigate through one of the most challenging periods, the need to support the underprivileged has never been more crucial. Anavi has done its bit to help out the institutions that we support.

Among the steps undertaken recently –

Anavi arranged for funds transfer to the institutes for their day to day running
Groceries supply was outsourced and cashless transactions carried out to ensure contactless supply
Sanitary kits given to 100 ladies from underprivileged areas
Members were in touch with the institutes to appraise themselves of the needs of the institutes and provide any additional help as possible
Anavi meetings are being conducted using Zoom to plan for activities that can be conducted
Face mask and hand sanitizers were distributed among the inmates of Voice of World and Apon Ghar in month of September. Members also visited these institutes to speak to the caretakers and inmates about further help that can be extended
Oximeters have been procured and will be given to institutes very soon

Visit to Home for the Aged

January: A few of us visited all our beloved elders this year on 16th January. They love to play housie and we made sure that they had a great time playing and winning gifts. Singing some old evergreen songs have always made them feel transported back to their era so we all sang some of their favourite songs and encouraged them to sing along. Certain essential supplies like health drinks & fruits were beautifully wrapped and delivered to the Sr. In charge Sr. Agnes.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Fabulous February

The month of February 2020 will be remembered for two amazing activities that Anavi members were a part of. The first was the visit to Botanical gardens with the students of Cremers Foundation, Sarsuna.

It was an early start to the Sunday for the Anavi members since the world famous botanical gardens are about an hour’s drive from the school. It was planned as a fun filled educational trip for the young children of Cremers Foundation.

Members took the children for a tour of the gardens and introduced them to some of the rare species of plants. It was also an effort on our part to spread the message of environmental conservation among these young children. Some of the plants are rare and about which they only read in the textbooks.

It was an amazing trip for the young children. Having grown up in the concrete jungle in the heart of the city, spending some time among the trees was like having an out of the world experience. A walk among nature is considered a great antidote to stress. The smiles on the faces of the children, who struggle every day for their basic needs, said it all. To say that the trip was a success would be an understatement.