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CategoriesMumbai Chapter

An update on Plastic Collection Campaign

It is a matter of pride for all of us that despite a slow start , our initiatives in plastic collections are working quite well and picking up.

The collection bins are in place at the office cafeteria on 1st and 3rd floor. A steady flow of plastics is in place. This morning they collected a impressive 28kgs from both floors and that is a big volume.This is the 4th collection since installation and hopefully we will pick up pace.

However, both Asalpha and Chandivalli centres are reporting good collection and quite frankly they are doing much better collection. Both centres have focussed collection on plastic bottles which is collected by children who live in vicinity.

What we are hearing is a change in lifestyle in and around these places. Kids are collecting these bottles from in and around the places and depositing them here. There is nothing that they get in return – but they have a feeling of contributing to betterment.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Meet at Salam Baalak Trust

On the 3rd of Nov, just before the auspicious onset of Diwali, Anavi had funded for some exciting games and dinner at the Salam Baalak trust in Andheri.
Diwali would be incomplete for us without this event of sharing and caring for the needy. Salam Baalak is a government trust that shelters/tends to the underprivileged children on the street.
Anavi members gracefully took some time off from their routine schedule and attended the event at the centre. Anavi members engaged in various activities with the children and enlightening their faces with smiles was an absolute delight. They also played judges at the event in choosing the best Rangolis. The talented children appreciated and welcomed Anavi members with live dance performances. We ended the day with a delicious meal and wonderful gifts for the children.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Education Funding Campaign

In September, Anavi was made aware of 13 students who would lose their education because of non-payment of fees. A common feature among all students was that they all had excelled in academics and each one of them came from brave families. Brave because, in-spite of all adversities, their parents choose to have them educated in the best available schools.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Bottles for Change

Bottles for Change aims to create awareness among citizens about the importance of plastic recycling. When plastic is thrown in waste, it ends up in seas, oceans, drains, rivers etc. and causes pollution. So don’t treat plastic as waste. It has value even after use, just clean it, collect it and send it directly for recycling. The plastic collected is crushed into fine flakes which are then used to create non-edible carrying products such as – Cloth fabric, Hand bags, Window blinds and other useful products.

CategoriesKolkata Chapter

Visit to Sunderbans – Cyclone Relief Task

Visit to Sunderbans to provide relief material to families affected by the cyclone Yaas and Tiger attacks

Yaas was a very severe cyclonic storm that brought significant impacts to parts of West Bengal, especially the Sunderbans areas in late May 2021.

Anavi undertook an ambitious project to provide relief materials to families affected by this natural calamity. We also came to know that many of the families have lost male members to Tiger attacks.

Mr. Ujjawal and Mr. Subhasis who have worked extensively among the people of Sunderbans islands, considered endangered in a 2020 assessment under the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems framework. They provided us the feedback about the needs of the people and Anavi stepped up to the challenge.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Visit to Jyothis Care Centre at Taloja

Anavi members visited Sr Jisna, other Sisters and inmates at Jyothis Care Centre Taloja.

The funds provided by Anavi were being used last year to construct a toilet outside the building and a septic tank. The work was stalled for some time last year due to Covid but has been completed now.

The Sisters have taken their first dose of the Covid vaccine, but the inmates have not taken any. Sr Bhavita requested if we could help arrange for vaccination of the inmates as it is difficult for the Sisters to arrange for the same, especially since they do not have any ID cards. Anavi team will discuss about best we can help them.