It took some time but finally it was a matter of pride for all of us to see the completion of Pratyusha home renovation project. Pratyusha Home is run by Voice of World and is home to around 150 destitute. Most of them are blind.
Voice of World came to us with a proposal to help them renovate their center in 2019. The project took much longer than expected due to the pandemic, but we were relentless to pursue and complete the job. The project was taken up in a phase wise manner as the inmates had to be shifted for the work to be done.
The renovation included renovation of dormitory, kitchen, dining areas and toilets. The outside painting was also done. That the inmates will be benefit from this renovation would be an understatement. The monsoon earlier meant water seepage through walls and winters meant chilling winds through the broken windows. The damaged roof of the kitchen and dining areas and toilets were in need of urgent attention.
All the above and much more has been taken care of by us. But the most important thing that we could give them was the confidence that someone cared! That we stood by them when the external funds and support was less due to economic downturn due to covid meant a world to them. Our monthly visits to support them with mustard oil continues and we look forward to partnering with them for their upcoming BUDS school project.
We wish all well wishers and their families a very happy 2022. We hope to spread more cheer and kindness and look for your support as we do more of the same, that has made us a 12-year-old and 8 chapters strong organization.
Pratyusha Home renovation and visit to Voice of World