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CategoriesChennai Chapter

Birth of a new chapter

Charity begins at home — Anglo Eastern, being a big family has given meaning to it through ANAVI. Anavi is in fact a commendable initiative of Anglo Angloeastern, which has always been compassionate to the needs of less fortunates. Anglo Kochi is extremely proud and happy to be a part of this, and took their first step with the support of a bunch of enthusiastic ladies, wives of officers – employed in AESM.

CategoriesKochi Chapter

Charity begins at home

Charity begins at home — Anglo Eastern, being a big family has given meaning to it through ANAVI. Anavi is in fact a commendable initiative of Anglo Angloeastern, which has always been compassionate to the needs of less fortunates. Anglo Kochi is extremely proud and happy to be a part of this, and took their first step with the support of a bunch of enthusiastic ladies, wives of officers – employed in AESM.