Visit to Ramola Bhavan
2016 began on a very positive note for Anavi. Our first visit this year was to Ramola Bhavan, one of the institutes with a long standing association with us. Over the years Anavi has played a small but significant part to improve the lives of these old ladies. And they have always looked forward to our visits with them. Not so much for the goodies but more for the time that we spend with them.
On this visit the members gave the institute their monthly ration which included tea, biscuits,milk powder . A specially packed bag of toiletteries was presented by Chief Engineer Shubro Saha to all inmates. Anavi extends warm thanks to him for this very kind gesture. It is through support of these wonderful people, especially the very enthusiastic support of Mr. and Mrs. Cremers and the Anglo Eastern Group that we have been able to help many more people last year. This year we aim to better ourselves.
The premises of Ramola Bhavan also houses “Sadan”. This is a place of refuge for young girls saved from the evil clutches of human trafficking. They have requested Anavi for help with regards to the repairs and painting of their building. This is on agenda for our next meeting in February.
This year has just begun. But it is just another number for the Anavi members who since 2009 have been tireless in their efforts to make a small but significant contribution to help improve the lives of those no so privileged as us.
Hoping to make a bigger difference in 2016!