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CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Xmas at Jaanvi – Dec

Visit to our ANAVI KG school at Chandivali, on 28th Dec 2022.

It’s always a privilege to be a part of the celebrations, fuelled by the immense energy of the young kids. So many smiling faces, whose lives are being positively impacted by our (AESM) contribution.
Visiting the centre and being part of their celebrations, makes you forget all your worries.

Hope and wish that we can have more colleagues join in next time.
Wish to congratulate Ashley and Fatima for the excellent work & their continual efforts.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Home for the Elders

“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!”

5 of our own ANAVI Team members experienced this beauty on the afternoon of 6th May 2022 as we visited the Home for the Elders at Mahakali Caves road.
Due to the COVID Protocol, we were unable to meet the elders face to face but an exchange of a sweet smile and happy wave of hands was possible, which still bridged the gap and helped us to bond.
Mother Hilda, the Sister -In charge of the Home had requested for flasks for the elders which could be handy for each of them to sip in warm water through the day.
On behalf of ANAVI, we hand delivered 25 flasks (Milton brand) for them and they were so delighted to receive them.
We are in touch with the Mother Hilda & Sr. Agnes for further requirements especially as they have their new building coming up in the next 2 – 3 months’ time.
Overall we all simply loved to get back to visiting the Home and look forward to meeting all the elder uncles and aunties and arrange for them Housie/ Sing song sessions like we used to pre-pandemic times.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Opening ceremony of Janvi- Anavi Computer Centre

“We rise by lifting others.”

As the quote goes we thrive to implement it in our each and every goal towards Anavi.
Like such we have set up a computer centre for the Janvi kids in Chandivali.
In March 2019, physical classes in schools were suspended. Children enrolled in our and nearby schools lost all formal means of continuing their education and progressing onto the next class. At that time we engaged with Navneet education trust to provide digital learning modules for Class 5-9th which could be used to prepare the children for exams.
This program relied on prospective students having a mobile phone and sufficient data availability and was a partial success. At the time of engaging Navneet and thereafter a need for a dedicated centre for digital education was felt.

CategoriesMumbai Chapter

Visit to Anavi Center

Feels good to be able to spend time with young kids and how we as AESM can contribute, that is making difference in the lives of these kids.
This is a small contribution from us but makes a big difference to the life of the kids and their families.
Thanks to Fatima and Ashley, for the selfless service in running the center.