Our Work.

What We Do

We are a NGO  Active in india which millions of children & Under Previlleaged reap the benefits of one man’s clear

Bringing people together
to empower good

“We should aim to bring them to a stage where they do not need our help anymore.”

Our Latest Activities

Promote access to healthcarenfor children

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Keep kids healthy andnready to learn

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Provide support in disastersnand public health crises

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Helped provide accessnto clean water

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

Where We Work

8 Cities in India, innnearly 150+ Members

Distance doesn’t diminish our love.

The process started up in Kolkata. The group being formed is basically a voluntary admission of the spouses of the large number of officers who are the inherent part of AESM. Needless to say that when the officers are on leave, they too join hands with their spouses and add strength to the group. What kneads this group together is the strong values of righteousness, quality and compassion, which AESM epitomizes and symbolises. The group does not aim at providing just simply a financial aid as that would be the simplest and commonly followed practice but instead the members of this “Parivaar” intend to put in their precious time and physical effort to make betterment in the lives of the needy and underprivileged.


Join the Family

Help Us To Help Them

Let's Join Hands And Work Together To Fulfill Their Happiness

You may help us in various ways. Not just by donating fund, but you may also be a part of working team. You can come along with us to serve the underprivileged society. Be with them, teach them, spend time… it could be any thing. They need good words to share.

At the least, one can also help by spreading the work of Anavi on social media. If not you, anyone else may be willing to join.