Triple Visit – 17-March-2016

Visits to Navnir Non Formal School, Cremers Foundation at Sarsuna School and Voice of World

Talk about Mid March and the first thing that comes to mind is Year End. It is that time of the year when people of all age groups are “managing somehow” – Reports in offices, exams at school etc. But for Anavi members it was “just another day at the office”.

The warm afternoon started with the visit to Navneer Non Formal School. Anavi has a long association with this institute which also houses Navneer Old Age home. Geeta Sarkar whose stay is sponsored by us is an inmate here. At the other end of the spectrum, the young children, are always eager to see the aunties from Anavi. Their classes are being held in a room which has a tin roof. Needless to say, it gets very hot in the summers and leaks in winters. Anavi has promised to make a false ceiling in the class room. This will make studying much more comfortable and kids will able to focus their minds on their books.

Next stop was Cremers foundation at the Sarsuna School. CE Himadri Biswas and Mrs Aloka Biswas, both of them members of Anavi, donated some books and board games to the recently set up library at Cremers foundation. Some educational CDs have been donated which will be shown to the children on the new LED TV and DVD player which is a part of the interactive class room set up by Anavi for the children.

Also on agenda was meeting with the English teacher who will be taking classes from April. This is our next step after computer classes began in 2015 to touch lives of these underprivileged children.

Final stop was at Voice of the World. This was our first visit to this institute and Anavi members spoke to the managing committee how best we could help them. This institute supports people with physical disabilities of all age groups. Further discussion on this matter will be done during our next meeting in April.

All in all, it was a very satisfying and fruitful afternoon. Like I said – just another day at the office!