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CategoriesKochi Chapter

Kerala Flood Relief

Kerela, the “God’s own country” was devastated by floods during the month of August in 2018. This was the worst flood to hit the state in over a century. A calamity of such nature required Herculean effort during and after the floods. Contributions and help came in from Anglo-Eastern offices across the country and abroad.

CategoriesKochi Chapter

Charity begins at home

Charity begins at home — Anglo Eastern, being a big family has given meaning to it through ANAVI. Anavi is in fact a commendable initiative of Anglo Angloeastern, which has always been compassionate to the needs of less fortunates. Anglo Kochi is extremely proud and happy to be a part of this, and took their first step with the support of a bunch of enthusiastic ladies, wives of officers – employed in AESM.