Blood Camp and Visits – July-2016

Annual Blood Donation Camp

“Sir, this is way beyond our expectation. What we have here is a priceless life saving gift. This will be a big big help to us.”

That was the reaction of the person from Thakurpukur Cancer Hospital, who helped us organize the Anavi Annual Blood Donation Camp at the AESM Kolkata Office on 23rd July 2016. The donated blood will be used for young children from underprivileged backgrounds in their fight against cancer.

Last year we had a record number. That encouraged us to try harder this time. But the response and support of the people who turned up surprised all of us. The rains notwithstanding, the turnout of close to 90 people was just too good to be true. The hospital people almost ran out of pouches. Our sincere thanks to the students of the pre sea training institutes, whose turnout was a big boost to us.

All this was made possible by the efforts of Mr. Rajan Bose and the Kolkata office staff members. From personally calling up the seafarers to arrangements in the office, Anavi could not have done this without their help. Food packets including sandwiches, fruits, cakes, milk and glucose water was organized for the donors. Blood Donor cards were handed over and at the end of the camp, late afternoon; we were tired but full of enthusiasm.

100 next time? Only time will tell, but definitely seems a possibility.