Janvi – Anavi School Feb

Ladies were rather impressed with the Computer centre where they got to see Senior school children getting valuable digital literacy that is much needed when they step out in the job market. They congratulated the children for their accomplishments. As a mark of motivation, the ladies distributed give-aways to the children. Post this interaction, it was time to quickly meet the younger students of the Janvi- Anavi school. The kids were excited to have guests visit them. They had prepared songs & dances, performed exceptionally well. At the end of the visit, “National Anthem” was played on the keyboard by a young 7 y/o boy who during the pandemic learned to play keyboard by watching YouTube videos. To hone such creative skills by self-learning at such a young age was truly impressive & remarkable- everyone wished him well to continue on his journey in learning music.

Ladies & children had a lovely time despite the fact that it was short meet.