Multiple Activiites – August-2016

Visit to Sarsuna Home

The month of August began with the city of joy the much awaited rains. The weather was wet and beautiful. This proved to be the best time to assess the young minds of Sarsuna home. These girls were ready to show their proficiency in computers. The assessment was done on 1st and 2nd August from 4pm to 9pm.

Anavi Members Sharmila Kar, Sangita Saha, Mitadi and Sugandha Ramkumar conducted the oral assessments. Chief Engineer Vishvanath Ramkumar assessed the girls for their practical knowledge on their computers.

Visit to Ramola Bhavan

The next visit was on the 19th August to Ramola Bhavan. Anavi members gave groceries like Rice, Atta, Oil, Biscuits, Coffee, Milk Powder, Ghee, Disinfectant, Savlon soaps, Washing powder and Deodorant sprays to the elderly ladies and spent time with them. The visit to Ramola Bhavan always fills the members with a lot of warmth and love.

Voice of World

Members visited Voice of the World on the 23rd of August. 75 liters of cooking oil was given to the organization. Members also visited the Bhakrahat center of Voice of World to assess the place and find out their requirements.

Rest in Peace

Mrs. Geeta Sarkar, an Octogenarian, supported by Anavi, left for her heavenly abode on 24th August 2016. We at Anavi pray for her soul to rest in peace. Her lovely smile and her warm hug will be missed whenever we will visit Nabaneer Old age Home.